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Who we are

At the Cicely Saunders Institute, King’s College London, we bring together researchers, healthcare professionals, community organisations, and patients and carers to delivery cutting-edge research, skilled clinical care and innovative education around palliative care and rehabilitation. This online forum is designed to support discussions between our research teams and patients, carers, and members of the public, to improve the quality, relevance and impact of the work that we do.



Woman in hospital bed talking to healthcare professional

Palliative care and rehabilitation

Palliative care aims to improve the quality of life of patients with a life-threatening illness, and their families. It is relevant to many conditions including (but not limited to) cancer, organ failure, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and dementia. 

Rehabilitation aims to improve or maintain a patient’s ability to carry out the everyday activities that have been affected by illness, injury, or surgery. This can be an important part of providing good palliative care.



father and son discussing a book

We need your help

If you have an experience of living with, or caring for someone with, a life-threatening illness, then we would love to hear from you in our discussions section. Your lived experience and views can influence how we conduct our research and share our findings with others.

If you have your own questions about what we do or ideas for research, you can also write in the ‘my ideas’ section.



group of women round a table


This online forum is focused on discussions about palliative care and rehabilitation research. If you are looking for support with the care of yourself or a loved one, please see our resources section for other websites that might be helpful.



woman on the phone

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about the Cicely Saunders Institute, please see our pages on the King’s College London website. You can also find out more about Cicely Saunders and her pioneering work in palliative care through the Cicely Saunders International charity website.



Last modified: Wednesday, 6 November 2019, 5:44 PM